Drops of Change

“No one person can change the world, but one and one and one add up.”

Sylvie Guillem

This past summer, after seeing great mountains of trash along the roadside in Florida, I was moved to change some of my ways. I’m experienced enough now to know that big proclamations and outsized (i.e. grandiose) promises rarely result in sustained behavior change. Instead, I began with a few little things, like using my own mug when I order coffee and carrying reusable bags to the grocery store. 

In the process of making a commitment to these new actions, I also agreed to focus on the positive. It’s more typical of human nature to notice lack, the negative, failure. With this in mind, I decided to recognize each time my action resulted in one less cup, bag, straw, or container being discarded (even if it were to go in a recycling bin). 

Yesterday I stopped in at a chain coffeeshop to meet a friend. The coffee shop I normally frequent offers ceramic cups; I had briefly forgotten that’s not the case at this establishment. When I remembered, I left the shop and walked back out to my car. In the trunk is a bag that contains a set of silver cutlery, a few to-go cups for cold drinks, some take-out containers, and the coffee mug I needed. The barista filled it happily, and I paused to recognize that there’s one less cup on the trash heap.

And I consider who I’m doing this for. Not for myself. I probably only have another two decades here at best. I do it for those whose lives are unfolding now and have yet to unfold, human and non-human. I do it for those people whose homes are close to the landfills and dumps that I never see when I toss a piece of refuse in the garbage or the recycling bin. I do it for the oceans and marine life that are suffering from my over-consumption and throw-away mindset.

I’m not kidding myself. My actions alone won’t reverse climate change or save the oceans. Each one is like an individual drop of rain when what’s needed is a downpour of multitudes taking action, small and large. I add my raindrops and hope for more. It’s possible. We can create a deluge together. We can change the world. 

“We’re all spinning aboard Life Raft Earth. Each of us has a choice. To consider our fellow passengers or not.” 

Cap’n Fatty Goodlander
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