Glow Up

“Glow Up: “Incredible transformation.”

The Urban Dictionary

This is the year 2020. The repeating numbers create a futuristic image in my mind. A hope for a year of “perfect vision” ahead and a time to reflect back on my life and its stages thus far.

“Grow up” is how I define the first stage. Like many children, I chose to be outside every moment. Each day held wonder and possible adventure! Comfort was found taking long bike rides, eating my sack lunch behind our wooden fence, and collecting rocks and driftwood. Sitting outside, with an old, pink blanket wrapped around my shoulders, I fed the blue jays bread crumbs in the morning.

I found belonging in the natural world.

“Show up” came next. Years of focus… attending classes to pursue education, then the first job. Relationships, followed by an emphasis on family, required serious responsibility. Comfort was found in the outdoor activities of running, camping, and hiking. The Sierra Nevada Mountains provided weekend getaways to commune with the immense energy of the high peaks.

I found belonging in the natural world.

“Look up” was stage three. This was the beginning of the great pause…quieting enough to begin to ask the deep questions. What is important? What is my purpose? A subtle change of state began, adding a recognition of the sweetness of life. Comfort was found simply walking and sitting outside…listening to the conversations of the trees and the living beings all around.

I found belonging in the natural world.

And now, “Glow up!” Grace and gratitude inhabit this stage of life. Watching the deer roam in the backyard and birds busy at the feeders, a delightful peace settles in. While the transformation is not complete, it is visible in my eyes. With this comes the desire to be of service to the natural world and all creation.

I find belonging in the natural world.

I belong with the glowing lamp in the dark, winter night. I belong with the fire-flies at dusk on a warm summer evening and with the blaze of the fall leaf colors all aglow.

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