
“Art takes nature as its model.”


The cool mountain air beckoned us out for an evening stroll. Dusk was settling and the fields were divided between soft sunshine and early shade. Walking down the smooth, asphalt road we came upon an enclosed garden. Varieties of flowers and vegetables grew in raised beds and organized ground plots. Wandering closer, our eyes were drawn to the hand-crafted gate, welcoming us inside.

Standing 6 feet tall, the gate was made of fallen tree limbs. Large, small, thick and thin pieces woven together creating a mosaic design. Dried, pale-green lichen grew like patches of fur on the surface. Centered, in the middle of the gate, was a distinct triangle shape. Bending down to take a closer look through the opening, beautiful sunset-colored Falling Star flowers, growing on bright green foliage, came into view. Growing low, among the ubiquitous Gerbera daisies, we would have missed this delightful display without the triangle opening catching our eyes.

The weekend came to an end and we returned home. On more than one occasion, I found myself remembering this beautiful garden gate with the triangle made of branches.

Two weeks later, on a warm evening in the Piedmont, I sat out on the patio admiring the stand of trees in the woods behind the house. Gazing up at the canopy, I saw the garden gate in the tree tops! Taking a closer look, I noticed the living branches, growing in different directions, forming a mosaic design. In the center, the branches formed a large triangle.

This nature crafted gate created “treeangles”…openings among the limbs to catch the eyes of anyone looking up to take a closer view. Peering in, we see the magnificent natural world…something not to miss.

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