Infinite Possibilities

“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sitting on the edge of 2021, I imagine the infinite possibilities ahead. No longer standing in warrior pose to take on the year, I breathe slowly, watch, wait and listen. Steps are measured. No quick moves. Look to the right, then the left, then the right again before crossing into any new action.

My arena of life is smaller now. Much more time is spent outdoors. Days are spent on simple tasks of tending the grounds. March is generally the month I clean up the garden but on this cold, sunny January day, the job calls to me. Gently lifting the pine needles and bits of bark, the dark soil appears rich and moist. Small patches of white, dusty mold have collected on the weathered wood sides of the raised garden. Using a spackling knife, I gently scrape them off. The rosemary, hearty as ever, appreciates a freshening of her blanket. The oregano, still fragrant when a leaf is rubbed between my fingers, suggests I cut some sprigs and hang them in the garage on the old tobacco drying rack. Tilling frees the clumps of dirt, preparing the bed for the possibility of a Spring garden in the warmer months ahead.

Sitting in an old garden chair, I watch the trees in the woods. Somehow they appear closer now. Their bark is wet in some places and dry in others, creating a beautiful patchwork design. Other than the pines, many are bare of leaves, and their skeletal frames twist and bend. Grouped together to offer support from strong wind, they stand limb to limb, accepting the inevitable Winter months. Nothing is hurried. The days, already lengthening, guarantee Spring will come again.

In the future, big picture vistas and peak experiences will return. Seasons will be fully realized, and our world will open up. We will celebrate with a full-bodied “Yes!” For now, I will practice patience. “World travels” will involve walking from my garden to the metal bench by the gardenia. Birds singing become the symphony, and conversations with the trees provide the therapy needed to stay safe and calm.

With gratitude, I watch, wait, and listen. Infinite possibilities are just over the horizon.

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