A New Day

Morning has broken like the first morning.
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.

From “Morning Has Broken” hymn, words by Eleanor Farjeon

Some mornings, I’m up early enough to catch the sunrise. It is a sort of catching that has to happen, because lack of attention can cause me to miss out. I’ll look up from book, computer, or phone to see the fiery orb tossed above the horizon, the sky’s brilliant colors fading. On mornings when I do catch the sun’s rising and greet the day with intention, I move through the hours with equanimity, no matter how busy.

Lately, the sun’s morning ascent seems to augur more than a single day’s birth. Fresh hope dawns for so many now: for people struggling and sick through the pandemic, for the misunderstood, oppressed, and marginalized, for the poor and shelter-less, and not least, for our good earth. 

May we be fully attentive to this breaking dawn with bold hearts, open minds, and ready hands and feet. Let’s catch it and help bring this new day into being.

Here comes the sun, doo, da, doo, doo
Here comes the sun,
And I say, it’s alright.

The Beatles, from “Here Comes the Sun”


  • Maureen

    What a perfect song for this time, and how wonderful to be reminded that each day does offer an opportunity to greet the world with “bold hearts, open minds, and ready hands and feet.”

    • Dede

      Thanks for your kind comment, Maureen. We are in a new day, and there’s still a lot of work to do. May we act with compassion, do justice, and walk humbly. 🙂