Root Vegetables in Winter
“Pity the poor root vegetable. Dirty, misshapen, they have none of the tantalizing sexiness of tomatoes, the trendiness of kale, the smooth beauty of eggplants.” Kelly Rossiter, Mother Nature Network
Less is More
“Buy, buy, says the sign in the shop window; Why, why, says the junk in the yard.” Paul McCartney
Winter Woods
“To see a hillside white with dogwood bloom is to know a particular ecstasy of beauty, but to walk the gray Winter woods and find the buds which will resurrect that beauty in…
Friend of Nature
“The friend of nature is the man who feels himself inwardly united with everything that lives in nature, who shares in the fate of all creatures, helps them when he can in their…
“Nothing about this cigarette…”
“Creations of … mud, found modern objects, human and animal hair, mosses, lichen, feathers and down, sticks and twigs–-all are woven with beak and claw into a bird’s best effort to protect their…
Return Thanks
“We return thanks to our Mother, the Earth, which sustains us.“We return thanks to the rivers and streams which supply us with water.“We return thanks to all herbs which furnish medicines for the…
Thank you, Greta.
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Native American Proverb
Earth, Air, Fire, Water
“Earth is so thick with divine possibility that it is a wonder we can walk anywhere without cracking our shins on altars.” Barbara Brown Taylor