The Story of the Earth
“In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.” Rachel Carson
The Solstice of Summer
“I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.” John Muir
The Love Apple
The tomato — classic red, bursting with sweet, acidic flavor — is known as the “Love Apple” in France. This endearing nickname from the culinary world matches my own experience with this ripe,…
“I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I…
Morning Greeting / Evening Goodnight
“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light.“ Tecumseh
The Edibles Walk
“Humble ourselves in the arms of the wild; gotta lay down low and humble ourselves in the arms of the wild. Gotta ask her what she knows and we will lift each other…
“emanating from the mosses”
“There are occasions when you can hear the mysterious language of the Earth, in water, or coming through the trees, emanating from the mosses, seeping through the under currents of the soil, but…