The Year of Persistent Possibility

“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

St. Francis of Assisi

Amidst the darkness, there is light ahead. Follow the path day by day, small step by small step. These are the words, the mantra, I repeat to myself every morning.

A new year represents the completion of a calendar cycle. This recent rotation witnessed the sun go down the last day of December 2021 and rise the first day of January 2022. Taking a quick glimpse back, it seems little has changed with the challenges in our world. Many days, I wonder if the world is indeed flat.

Hope and gratitude sustained me in 2021, laying a strong foundation of support. However, 2022 will call for a more spirited approach! Here are some action steps I plan to take to help pull me forward. I hope they will move me from being “tired of it all” to awakening to the possibilities ahead.

Step one: Keep it simple. Strive to stay in the moment and be focused on the task at hand. Rather than decluttering the entire house, choose one room. Dedicate a small area in my yard or deck for a garden and commit to growing pesticide-free produce. Continue to recycle. Volunteer my time with an organization or make a meal for a neighbor. All of these efforts add up, providing a sense of purpose and care.

Step two: Enjoy life! Take a walk outside for forest bathing. Sit and listen to the sounds of nature. Take a bubble bath, read a good book or meet outside with a friend to catch up. Listen to music or a favorite podcast. Find a comfortable chair and enjoy some meditation time. Decide its ok to be “happy enough.”

Step three: Believe there are many good moments ahead! In spite of all the challenges, there is so much beauty around us. There will be days where I soar and other days when I can’t stick the landing. I remind myself what Glennon Doyle says, “We can do hard things.”

I will be persistent in my pursuit of possibilities!